Structural Integration – REAL people, REAL results

 In SI Research

We pride ourselves in sharing real case studies from people that have recently used our Structural Integration therapy services, each of who have written to us in their own words, and are happy to act as a reference. Katy was in a bad accident over 25 years ago, and has been looking for ways to manage her pain ever since – here’s her story and results to date:

Katy from Lane Cove (46 yrs)

1. What injuries / condition brought you to North Shore Structural Integration?
In 1990 I was underneath a building site collapse and sustained a dislocated pelvis, plus injuries to ankle, wrist, elbow and shoulder.

2. What other therapies have you used previously and with what outcomes?
I’ve tried everything over 25 years (and approximately $200k spent):
Osteopathy – Got my spine straighter and aligned posture, provided relief but chronic pain reduction was only temporary
Chiropractor – I enjoy it but I am back to the same pain two days later
Bowen Therapy – This genius in Perth managed in 5intensive days to address/cure 80% of my back pain
Bowen therapy – Lane Cove – temporary relief from pain but no actual improvement from the Bowen
Massages – all types, approximately weekly for 25 years for relief, sometimes more
Pilates – I don’t need Bowen maintenance now that I’ve done weekly Pilates with Liane and Larissa for 11 months

3. How have your treatments at North Shore Structural Integration helped you?
Immediate and lasting relief of chronic muscle tension, you can really feel when the fascia loosens up.

Huge improvement in posture (I am quite sure I’m a bit taller now) and body awareness as well as knowledge of the correct way to stand and the creation of better habits.

After all those treatments I still had a major issue with my right arm/elbow/shoulder from the accident – I could not do a push-up, trip dip, bicep curl, lift a shopping bag, drink a beer. Literally any movement requiring me to bend my right elbow with even the smallest amount of weight would result in very uncomfortable/painful pulling and clicking – the arm was consequently extremely weak.

The shoulder over the years since the accident was also never right, as though it was a little out of joint. Since a targeted session of structural integration just on this area, I have zero discomfort, zero clicking, and it’s been 4-5 weeks now and it’s still perfect! It’s still a little weak but I am now able to use it as normal and am working on strengthening it and have not had an issue since. I didn’t realise how much I was compensating until I got the use of it back. I’m so grateful!!

4. What form of exercise do you regularly do to maintain good body strength, flexibility and alignment following S.I.
Weekly: 1x hr Pilates session at Lane Cove Studios, 2x half hour walks per week, light stretching and stretching using a roller every 2-3 days


You can read more about Structural Integration HERE, If you’d like more information on Structural Integration, please contact our certified practitioner, Liane on 0400 012 693.

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